Fact Sheet
America’s Women and the Wage Gap

March 2024
Fair Pay


The gender wage gap is a measure of just how far our nation still has to go to ensure that women can participate fully and equally in our economy. Every state has a gender wage gap, and it persists regardless of industry and education level and within occupations. Across all workers in the United States in 2022, women were typically paid just 78 cents for every dollar paid to a man – adding up to a difference of $11,450 over the course of the year.

The wage gap is also widest for women of color. In 2022, white, non-Hispanic women were paid 74 cents; Black women 66 cents; Latina women 52 cents; Native American women 55 cents; and Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander women as little as 49 cents, as Bangladeshi women are; and overall just 80 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men.

On average, women employed in the United States lose a combined total of over $1.6 trillion every year due to the wage gap. These lost wages mean women and their families have less money to support themselves, save and invest for the future, and spend on goods and services.

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