Contact Us

Let's connect! Find a way to get in touch below.

Please note: we do not provide any direct legal services. If you are trying to reach a specific person or department, please contact the front desk at 202-986-2600 or add "Attention:" to your email subject line, and we’ll route your request to the appropriate person.

National Partnership for Women & Families

1725 Eye Street, NW
Suite 950
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: 202-986-2600
Fax: 202-986-2539

A Black woman relaxing on the sofa with her two young children. The daughter is sitting next to her mother and she's looking at a tablet device. A young boy is reclining on a pillow, also using a tablet.



Social Media

Let's connect! Find a way to get in touch below.

Please note: we do not provide any direct legal services. If you are trying to reach a specific person or department, please contact the front desk at 202-986-2600 or add "Attention:" to your email subject line, and we’ll route your request to the appropriate person.

National Partnership for Women & Families

1725 Eye Street, NW
Suite 950
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: 202-986-2600
Fax: 202-986-2539

A Black woman relaxing on the sofa with her two young children. The daughter is sitting next to her mother and she's looking at a tablet device. A young boy is reclining on a pillow, also using a tablet.



Social Media